How to Apply for Medicare in Kansas
Things You'll Need
- Phone or computer with Internet access
- Social Security number
- Name of current spouse and date of birth
- Place of marriage and date
- Date of death if spouse is deceased
- Name of former spouse and date of birth
- Date of death if ex-spouse is deceased
- Your bank or financial institution routing transit number and account number
- Name and address of last employer
- Proof of birth
- Proof of citizenship
- Copies of military service papers
- Most recent copy of your W-2 form or income statements
- Social Security office address
Contact the Social Security Administration by phone 1-800-772-1213 or on line at their website ( to complete an application for Medicare. You need to complete the application process at least three months in advance of your 65th birthday to allow enough time for your benefits to start. During the application process, you need to provide your Social Security number, date of birth, legal name, spousal information, ex-spousal information (if applicable), bank information, current/prior employment, and information from past military service (if applicable). You will want to have this information handy.
Confirm all information. Once you've completed the application, you'll be asked to verify the truthfulness of your answers. If you're completing the application over the phone, verification is in the form of a verbal signature. If you're completing the application on line, you'll need to provide an electric signature requiring you to type your name. Your response is recorded and you're liable under law for supplying incorrect information.
Submit supplemental documents to the Social Security Administration. A list of documents is provided at the end of the application along with instructions for where to send them. Supplemental documents generally consist of a birth certificate, proof of citizenship, copies of military service papers, and a copy of your recent W-2 form.