How Do I Get My Application Report for Social Security Disability Online?

Completing an application for Social Security Disability (SSDI) can be a long process. Often your work is interrupted while you wait for pertinent information from family members, the military, a former spouse or one or more municipal governments. Because you began filing online, it's a simple thing to revisit the incomplete application report as many times as necessary.
  1. Find Your SSDI Application

    • When you are ready to resume preparing the SSDI application, go to, where you began to file your electronic disability application. Have two important numbers handy: the re-entry number you were given when you began your application (it begins with D) and your Social Security number, or that of the person you are filing for.

    Ready to Start

    • On the top right side of the page, click the button marked "Continue Application."

    Review Procedures

    • Click the link to review how the report works, then refresh your memory about how to move around in the application itself. Reviewing these will save you time and avoid accidentally losing work if you fail to save your work regularly.

    Retrieve Your SSDI Application

    • In the spaces provided, enter your Social Security Number or that of the person you are filing for then the re-entry number.

    Resume the Application Process

    • Click the button labeled "Continue Report" and you will be taken to your SSDI report.

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