How to Stop Medicare Insurance Solicitations
Upon learning of widespread abusive and/or fraudulent practices employed in Medicare insurance solicitations, the federal government has cracked down with a set of rules and prohibited practices for insurers, brokers, agents and telemarketers.
Add your telephone number(s) to the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) Do Not Call Registry.
Under Medicare rules, Medicare insurance solicitations by telephone are prohibited unless the beneficiary requests the contact. Placing your phone number(s) on the registry gives added protection from unwanted calls, including those from insurers. It will not, however, stop calls from companies from which you have requested information.
Go to or call (888) 382-1222, and submit each of your mobile and home telephone numbers. Telemarketers will have up to 31 days from the date you register to stop calling you. If you continue to receive calls, report the violation to the FTC at the above website or phone number.
Avoid \"accidentally\" requesting Medicare insurance information by filling out cards or online forms that offer to answer Medicare questions or save money on health care. Many of these request a phone number, address or email address to receive information.
Decline any free offers that promise a gift card, cash or other valuable \"prize\" in exchange for filling out surveys and participating in sponsor offers. If you decide to participate in these programs, avoid selecting any sponsor offers that involve healthcare items, information, Medicare or other insurance. Often, the fine print on these offers gives your explicit consent to have an agent or broker call to set up a sales appointment.
Report individuals and companies that engage in prohibited practices to the insurance commissioner in your state. Contact information is contained in the Resources section. Prohibited practices include any of the following Medicare insurance solicitation that is not requested:
o Door-to-door visits
o Contact in parking lots, health provider waiting rooms and other public places
o Telephone calls; and
o Emails.Make sure that you provide the most detailed information possible when making a complaint, including date and time of the contact, the individual's name, insurer, telephone number, email address and other relevant information.