How Do I Resubmit Insurance Enrollment to Medicare?
Providers may submit insurance enrollment electronically by using a form that is available on Medicare's website. Health care providers who do not wish to enroll electronically may submit a paper application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) . Physicians and other nonphysician practitioners are required to submit CMS form 855I to enroll or to amend their enrollment information; an application must be filed with a Medicare contractor. Suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and other medical supplies may file a paper application; CMS form 855S, with a Medicare contractor for enrollment or to amend existing enrollment information. Individual providers may reassign eligible benefits by submission of CMS form 855R. Hospitals, home health agencies and community mental health centers may file a CMS form 855A with a Medicare contractor.
When Must a Provider Resubmit a New Enrollment Application
In some instances, Medicare requires providers to resubmit a new enrollment package to the Medicare program. A new enrollment package must be resubmitted: if a health care provider changes the type of medicine he or she practices or moves to a new office location. Health care providers should contact the Medicare program, if they have questions concerning enrollment in the Medicare program.
Beneficiary Enrollment
Medicare beneficiaries may enroll when they first become eligible for benefits or during a general enrollment period. A beneficiary's initial enrollment period begins three months after turning 65 years old and lasts for a seven month period. In most cases, beneficiaries who fail to enroll during the initial enrollment period must wait to enroll during a general enrollment period, typically from January 1 to March 31 of each year.