How to Get Medicare to Pay for Lap-Band Surgery
Determine whether you qualify for Medicare. Medicare is generally available only to individuals who are over 65 years of age, under 65 with disabilities (according to information from the "Consumer Guide to Lap Band Surgery," morbid obesity is often considered a disability under the Social Security Act), or suffering from the final stage of kidney (renal) failure.
Fall into the category of individuals for whom lap-band surgery is a medical necessity. These include people with a body-mass index (BMI) greater than 35, those who are suffering from at least one other obesity-related disease (such as diabetes or hypertension) and those who have been unsuccessful at losing weight through other means.
Locate a Medicare provider to perform the operation. Only hospitals and surgeons who are Medicare providers are authorized to perform Medicare-covered lap-band surgery, so be sure to inquire if you are unsure. A list of approved bariatric-surgery clinics is linked below, so check for the one that is closest to your area.