How to Find a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

When enroll in the traditional Medicare system, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part D, which is the drug prescription plan. If you are not happy with the plan Medicare enrolls you in automatically, you have the option to choose another. The Medicare website offers an intuitive tool that allows you to view the various drug plans available to you. You should choose a plan based on your current situation and on what your medications normally cost each month. Depending on the area in which you live, there are most likely several drug plans available for you to choose from.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • Web browser
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    • 1

      Familiarize yourself with the Medicare website for the drug benefit plan. Find a link in References. Medicare will also mail you information on the plan they have automatically enrolled you in, along with information on other plans available to you.

    • 2

      Educate yourself on the various plans available to you by searching the Medicare site for the drug benefits available to you. You can obtain a general or personalized list by entering your age, your location and your current drug plan information. You can check to see if the medications you currently take are coverage under each plan. Find a link in References to Medicare's information on various plans.

    • 3

      Evaluate the summary of plans that are available to you. The Medicare website will have a summary of each plan's premium, co-pays, along with consumer reviews that you can read. It is vital to look over all of the information. Once you are in a plan, open enrollment--the period during which you can opt to exchange your plan for another--only occurs in the last six weeks of each year, so deciding on a plan will lock you for the year.

    • 4

      Review each plan carefully by clicking on the name of each insurance company that is generated by your local search. This will tell you what your annual out-of-pocket expenses will be, as well as your co-pays and monthly premiums.

    • 5

      Register for the plan you decide you want by clicking on the Enroll Now button either on the summary page by the plan you want or from within the plan details page.

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