How to Get an Electric Scooter Through Medicare
Discuss the decision to apply for a scooter with your doctor, as she will play a critical role in getting the scooter approved through Medicare. Your doctor will need to send in documentation showing that you need the electric scooter in order to move about your residence and that you are unable to operate a manual wheelchair.
Attend all doctors' appointments. Your doctor will be performing tests and asking you to perform various movements to see if you are in need of the scooter. You may be required to undergo and MRI or other diagnostic tests in order to establish the disability.
Detail all your symptoms and walking difficulties to your doctor. In the end, your doctor has to prescribe the scooter and then present this and other documents to Medicare. When the paperwork is thorough and the diagnosis solid, the approval process can take a little as two weeks.
Document the date Medicare approves your scooter because that is when they will arrange to have it delivered to your home, fully assembled.