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How to Unenroll From Medicare Part D
According to Section 423.36(a) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, you may disenroll from Medicare Part D and your specific prescription drug plan by submitting a disenrollment request to your prescription drug plan provider or by contacting Medicare. (Ref. 1.) Disenrolling is the term Medicare uses for unenrolling. Although disenrolling from Medicare Part D is an easy process, you should consider your decision carefully. You may consult Medicare, local area agencies on aging, or the American Association of Retired Persons for further information on making the decision to disenroll.Things You'll Need
- Medicare card
- Disenrollment form
How to Unenroll from Medicare Part D
Contact your current prescription drug plan provider by telephone or e-mail. (Ref. 2.)
Request a disenrollment form. (Ref. 2.) Some providers may make forms available for printing online.
Complete the disenrollment form. Mail it to the address provided by your prescription drug plan provider. (Ref. 2.)
Verify disenrollment with your prescription drug plan provider after one month. This will allow for processing time.