Medicare Requirements for a Power Wheelchair

If you or a loved one needs a powered wheelchair or POV scooter to move around in the home, Medicare may pay for some of the cost or even all of it. Always consult your doctor first, since he will have the formal document requirements.
  1. Basic Requirements

    • First, a patient must be eligible for a defined Medicare benefit category. Second, the power wheelchair must be needed for the treatment of an illness or deformed body part. Third, the patient must meet all Medicare statutory and regulatory requirements.

    Other Requirements

    • A patient must need the power wheelchair or be bed-ridden without it. A patient must be unable to use a manual wheelchair, but must be capable of safely operating a power wheelchair.


    • For a patient to get a power wheelchair through Medicare, the power wheelchair must be used for necessary practices. A power wheelchair used mainly for convenience or leisure is not supported.


    • Fraud is an illegal and liable offense. Receiving a free power wheelchair or being billed for one you never received are liable as fraud. Contact Medicare at (800) 633-4227 to report it.


    • A POV is a power scooter, and is generally the same as a power wheelchair. If you qualify for one, you generally qualify for the other. Sometimes qualifying for a POV is harder.

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