Medicare Insurance Qualifications

There are two parts to Medicare, Part A and Part B. There are different requirements for each. Part A is the hospital coverage and Part B is the medical insurance. The premium usually goes up a little every year due to cost of living adjustments. Part A is free. If you are eligible for Medicare benefits and cannot afford the premium, you may be eligible for assistance.
  1. Eligibility for Part A Over 65

    • Most people are eligible for Part A after turning 65. You must already be receiving Social Security or have worked long enough to be eligible. You may also be entitled through your spouse if he is at least 62. If you are a government employee who paid the Medicare tax, you would be eligible.

    Eligibility for Part A Under 65

    • In order to be eligible for Part A when you're under 65, you must be on Social Security disability or eligible for it. If you are a Social Security disability beneficiary, you must have been one for at least 24 months. If you worked for the government, you don't are not subject to that waiting period.

    Part B

    • Basically anyone over age 65 or (or under 65 and eligible, which is usually through Social Security disability) is eligible for Part B. It requires a monthly premium.


    • Depending on your work record, your spouse, widower or dependent parent may be eligible for Part A. If you have permanent kidney failure and you are on maintenance dialysis or have had a kidney transplant, you can also qualify for Part A.

    Return to Work

    • If you are disabled and have lost your Medicare due to returning to work, you may be eligible by paying the premium.

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