How to Determine a Medicare Eligibility Date
Visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Medicare website. The link to this site is located in the Resources section below.
Scan the menu on the left side of the page. The third link down reads, "Am I Eligible?" Click on this link and wait for the next page to load.
Click on the tab on the top of the page that reads "General Enrollment and Eligibility." When this tab opens, click on the "Who Is Eligible for Medicare" link. Read the information provided. If you determine that you are likely eligible for Medicare, click on the tab at the top of the page that says "My Medicare Enrollment."
Fill out the information requested on this page. The first page will ask what your date of birth is and what your marital status is. Fill out this information and click on "Continue."
Answer the questions on subsequent pages. The questions asked will depend on the answers you gave to previous questions. In all, there will likely be around 10 questions asked before the system can determine what your medicare eligibility date is.
View the information provided after the survey is completed. There will likely be three sections on the "Results" page. The "General Enrollment" section will likely include information about eligibility based on age. In most cases, this section will tell you that you are eligible to apply immediately for Medicare benefits as long as you are at least 65 years old.
Check the "Part A Specific" section. It will likely say something like as long as you are 65 and you or your spouse has worked for at least 10 years in Medicare-covered employment, you can immediately apply for Medicaid Part A.
Determine your eligibility if the time of employment is less than 10 years. Determine how many years less than 10 you or your spouse has worked in Medicare-covered employment, and subtract that number from 10. The number of years left will be how much longer you need to work before you become eligible.
Check the "Part B Specific" section. It will likely say something like you can sign up between January 1 and March 31 of each year. Part B Medicare requires payment, whereas Part A does not.