How to Apply for Medicare With a Disability
Gather the paperwork that coincides with your disability. Hospital records, unemployment documents and doctor's notes can all be used.
Determine your overall eligibility. The Medicare official website states, "Generally, Medicare is available for people age 65 or older, younger people with disabilities and people with End Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant)." However, if you have a disability and are in need, you'll likely qualify.
Consider what type of Medicare you need. There is Part A and Part B. Part A is hospital insurance, while Part B is Medicare insurance. If you're not sure whether you qualify for coverage--or if you don't know if you need Part A, Part B or both--simply call the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213. It handles all eligibility determinations. Get answers to your questions the easy way. See "Additional Resources," below, for a link to the official website. For immediate assistance, simply call the number during normal business hours.
Look at the benefits you already receive. If you are not already receiving Social Security and you qualify for it, you can apply online for Medicare with disability. (See "Apply Online" in "Additional Resources," below.) You can apply for Social Security benefits and Medicare at the same time. Also, you can apply by phone if you want only Medicare with disability by calling the number listed in Step 3.
Once your application is processed and aid is received, you can still apply for what is called "extra help." In order to get more assistance from Medicare, you'll need to provide the administration with more information. You'll need your personal financial information and information on your spouse if you are married.