About Medicare Coverage
In the late 1940s, President Harry Truman felt that the U.S. should provide cost-effective medical coverage to senior citizens. Congress debated this issue for almost 20 years before it was made law and became a major part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. Since then, the costs of the Medicare program have increased, as have both the rates and the amount of salary one makes that is subject to the tax. Medicare is America's largest health-insurance program, and insures almost 50 million people. When Medicare was made law, it was administered by the Social Security Administration, but in 1977, it was transferred to the Health Care Financing Administration, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
There are two basic parts to the coverage Medicare provides: Part A and Part B. Part A provides the insured with coverage for stays in hospitals, in post-hospital rehabilitation centers and for home health care, as well as stays in hospices by the terminally ill. Since the person who is covered (or his spouse) paid into the Medicare fund while he was working, he does not have to pay a premium for Part A. Part B is for medical insurance, and covers some of the costs associated with doctor's visits, laboratory tests, medical equipment, supplies, some home health-care services and physical therapy. The person has the option to enroll in Part B of Medicare, which will cost less than $100 per month. Neither Part A nor Part B covers prescription costs, so the insured needs to sign up for Part D to be covered.
Time Frame
In most cases, you will become eligible for Medicare coverage when you are 65 years old. At that point, if you receive Social Security, your monthly checks will be reduced by the premium if you choose to pay it. Currently, that premium is under $100. You also may be eligible for Medicare coverage sooner and under other circumstances. For details, call (800) 772-1213.
Medicare will cover about 80 percent of most medical care. However, it does not cover prescription drugs. For that reason, you can subscribe to Part D of Medicare, which, for a small premium, will pay part of your prescription costs.
Medicare will be available to you when you become 65 years of age, as long as the medical services are rendered in the U.S. Medicare benefits will not cover any procedure you receive if you move out of the country or travel overseas. Citizens covered by Medicare are strongly urged to secure private health insurance before leaving. This is especially important for older people, as they are likelier to become ill while traveling overseas.