How to Apply for Disability
Things You'll Need
- Medical records
- Journal
Request the necessary disability application forms from both private insurance and Social Security, if applicable, as early as possible. Even if you're unsure about applying, explore your options and familiarize yourself with the disability forms and requirements.
Obtain your doctor's verbal agreement or statement that you are unable to work and an estimate of the expected minimum length of disability. He may or may not commit to this, depending on the nature of the condition(s). Most disability applications ask if a physician has told that you are unable to work. Therefore, an affirmative answer is helpful.
Make it clear to your doctor that you intend to apply for disability. Discuss any related issues such as experience with patients that experience similar disability and their outcome.
Pick a lead doctor to serve as your advocate if possible. Some doctors work well with disability insurance, offering additional input and letters, while others barely comply with requests. Your primary care physician may be the best choice, especially if you were under his care prior to the debilitating condition(s).
Provide the lead physician with copies of your other medical records and ensure that he is aware of your other medical treatments.
Keep a detailed journal of your daily activities, limitations and symptoms. You may need to thoroughly explain how your illness prevents you from gainful employment. Be able to give concrete examples such as, "I can walk 20 steps before resting," or "I can perform basic grooming and prepare light meals but after an hour (type of) pain or fatigue becomes severe."
List all medications you are taking and the side effects of each if this applies to the disabling nature of your condition.
Don't exaggerate or minimize limitations. It is important when you apply for disability to include all factors, both physical and mental limitations, that affect your ability to function. Some items may seem awkward to describe, but if your disability is not on an approved list of automatic disability awards, you may may turned down due to misunderstanding, miscommunication or vagueness.