How to Appeal a Medicare Refusal to Pay
Submit your appeal. Include your name as Medicare has it listed in its files, your mailing address and your Medicare identification number. Detail why you feel they should reconsider and process payment for your charges. Include any other related information that you feel will help their review.
Contact your physician to provide any records you need to support your appeal.
Write your appeal to Medicare within 60 days of receiving your letter of denial. The denial letter should include a mailing address to which you can send in your appeal. If you are delayed in writing your appeal, speak with a Medicare representative and explain your reasons. They often will allow you more time.
Call or fax Medicare to request a 72-hour review of your appeal when circumstances indicate your health may be adversely affected by not getting the treatment you need. If your doctor requests this or supports your appeal, Medicare must respond within 72 hours.
Provide Medicare any additional information they request in a timely manner to ensure faster processing of your appeal.