How to Apply for Medicare
Things You'll Need
- Telephones
- Internet Access
- Pens
- Computers
Understand that Medicare is a health insurance program paid for by the federal government that is designed to ensure that elderly people have medical coverage.
Determine if you are eligible for Medicare. You must be 65 or older, or disabled or suffering from chronic kidney disease if under 65. You or your spouse must have worked at least 10 years in a job that had Medicare coverage.
Know that if you are 65 or older and qualify, there is no cost for Medicare Part A, if you are eligible for or receiving Social Security.
Realize that if you are under 65 and qualify because of a disability, there is no cost for Medicare Part A if you have been receiving Social Security for 24 months.
Consider your right to purchase expanded coverage under Part B for $45.50 a month (1999 figure), which is deducted from your Social Security check. You will receive information about this with your Medicare card.
Recognize that if you are under 65 and receiving Social Security, you will be automatically enrolled for Medicare and will receive a card three months before your 65th birthday. If you are not receiving Social Security, you must apply for Medicare three months before your 65th birthday, or wait for the next general enrollment period after your birthday.
Call the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213 for enrollment forms, or go to your local office.
Bring your birth certificate, driver's license, proof of other insurance if you have any, and your social security card when you apply.
Be prepared to provide names of doctors, hospitals and clinics if you are eligible due to disability.