How to Make Fun Activities for Senior Citizens

Society tends to see seniors as just old people who sleep in and are too cranky to have any activities. Contrary to that, many seniors are just as energetic and enthusiastic as they were in their younger years. Planning fun activities for seniors is important because it gives them something to do other than just sitting around all day. They get the chance to be active and have an engaging experience. They may also get to feel as if they are young again.


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      Conduct a survey of the senior citizens, asking them what types of activities they would like to do. Have them choose from a list or let them come up with the activities on their own. Give them full authority over what they want. Try implementing the activities the survey says are most popular.

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      Organize activities centered around certain events. Hold monthly birthday parties for residents, where all other housing residents are invited. Invite the resident's family and friends to the party. Celebrate holiday-themed activities. Decorate the home with hearts and organize a romantic dance between male and female residents for Valentine's Day. Bring in pumpkins for residents to carve and decorate on Halloween. Holidays can be lonely times for seniors, since they are away from their families. These activities can help cheer them up.

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      Ask family members for input on activities you can organize for the seniors. Family members know the seniors better than you; they can prove to be a great asset to creating activities for them. Involve family members in the activities so that they can spend time with their loved ones. This will help counteract any lonely feelings the seniors may have at the home.

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      Organize monthly sing-alongs for the residents. Allow seniors to choose their favorite songs and choose a time and leader to lead them. Involve volunteers, family and friends in the sing-alongs. Invite local school and church groups to sing for the seniors at the home.

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      Allow the seniors to plant and take care of their own plants in the home's garden. Give them seeds and tools and their own gardening sections. This allows the seniors a chance to go outside and provides them with variety in their everyday routines. They can also develop a hobby.

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