Florida Nursing Home Problems
Research at the University of Florida determined that as of January 2010, 71 percent of Medicaid recipients in nursing homes were receiving a psychoactive drug. Many of these residents weren't on any of these medications prior to entering the home.
Financial Abuse
Financial abuse in nursing homes is often overlooked, but it has serious ramifications, and it can sometimes be a nursing home employee who is taking advantage. Family can also inflict financial abuse by hiding money and placing the resident on Medicaid services.
Neglect can cause infections, deterioration of health and even death. Some signs of possible neglect include dehydration, malnutrition, bedsores, inadequate hygiene and poor grooming. Wounds that are left untreated are especially dangerous for residents with blood disorders and diabetes.
All types of Florida nursing home problems should first be reported to the nursing home. If the problems are not immediately corrected, the next step is to file a complaint with the Florida Department of Health. This agency is in charge of the health and safety of all Florida nursing home residents.