Laws on Nursing Homes in Tennessee
All nursing homes must have a license to operate. The license is applicable only for the location listed. Licenses must be conspicuously displayed and renewed each June 30.
The nursing home must have a full-time licensed administrator at all times. The administrator, licensed by the state, is responsible for overseeing fiscal resources and personnel.
Personal Possessions
Duplicate records must be made of all residents' personal property and money when admitted, with a copy given to the resident or resident's representative. Resident funds must be kept separate from facility funds.
Criminal History
A criminal background check must be performed on any facility or employee with direct patient contact.
Health Care
All residents must have an attending physician licensed by the state. For placement in a secured unit, residents must be evaluated by a team of health care professionals.
Residents' Rights
All residents have the right to privacy; freedom from abuse, restraints and prejudicial treatment; and the right to keep personal items. The facility also must provide space for a residents' council. The resident has the right to refuse treatment.