What Is a Supplemental Nursing System?
Your baby was premature or has other medical conditions that make breastfeeding difficult.
You're exclusively pumping and want to increase your milk supply.
Your baby is taking medication that interferes with breastfeeding.
Your baby is temporarily separated from you and you want to continue providing breastmilk.
The SNS works by delivering supplemental liquid through a small tube that runs alongside your nipple and into your baby's mouth. This allows your baby to receive extra nutrients while still benefiting from the skin-to-skin contact and bonding of breastfeeding.
SNSs can be used in a variety of settings, including the hospital, outpatient clinic, and home. They are relatively easy to use, but it is important to receive instruction from a healthcare professional before using an SNS.
Here are some of the benefits of using an SNS:
It allows your baby to receive extra nutrients while still breastfeeding.
It can help premature or ill infants gain weight.
It can help exclusively pumping moms increase their milk supply.
It is a relatively easy-to-use tool.
Here are some of the potential risks of using an SNS:
The tube may cause discomfort or irritation to your baby's mouth or throat.
The tube may become blocked or kinked, which can interfere with the flow of liquid.
Your baby may not be able to latch on properly to the breast while using the SNS.
If your baby is a preterm or low birth weight infant, or has other medical conditions, it is important to discuss the use of an SNS with your baby's healthcare provider before using one.
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