Hom much does a traveling nurse make?
Average annual salaries for traveling nurses in the United States, as of 2023, can range from approximately $75,000 to well over $100,000. According to data from the American Mobile Nursing Association (AMNA), the average hourly rate for traveling nurses was $53.60 in 2022, which translates to an annual salary of around $110,000.
These salaries can be further supplemented by additional benefits and stipends provided by travel nursing agencies, such as housing and transportation assistance, continuing education opportunities, and bonus pay for completing assignments.
While the earnings of traveling nurses can be lucrative, it's important to note that the job also involves substantial travel, often to areas with high patient needs and potentially challenging work environments.
As with any career, individual salaries may vary based on factors such as the nurse's qualifications, years of experience, specialty, location of assignments, and negotiating skills.