How much money does a military nurse earn?

Nurse Grade:

* O-1 (Second Lieutenant): $3,110.40 - $4,130.40

* O-2 (First Lieutenant): $3,720 - $4,966.80

* O-3 (Captain): $4,392.60 - $5,926.80

* O-4 (Major): $5,168.40 - $7,047

* O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel): $6,034.80 - $8,364.60

* O-6 (Colonel): $7,002 - $9,817.80

* O-7 (Brigadier General): $9,817.80 - $12,466.80

* O-8 (Major General): $11,709 - $14,817.40

* O-9 (Lieutenant General): $14,202.60 - $17,616.60

* O-10 (General): $16,502.40 - $20,628

Rank and Location:

Nurse practitioners with over six years of experience also earn bonuses.

* 0-10 or less years: $1,500

* 11-14 years: $3,000

* 15 years and up: $4,500

Nurses also receive housing allowances, COLA, and hazardous pay bonuses.

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