What is condo unit?
Key characteristics of condo units include:
1. Individual Ownership: Each condo unit is privately owned by an individual or entity. The owner holds a title to their specific unit, including the interior space and any designated outdoor areas, such as balconies or patios.
2. Common Ownership and Responsibility: While the individual units are privately owned, the common areas and facilities of the building are owned and maintained collectively by all the unit owners. These common areas may include hallways, lobbies, elevators, pools, gyms, gardens, and other amenities. Maintenance and repair costs for these common areas are typically shared among the unit owners.
3. Homeowner's Association (HOA): Condo unit owners are typically members of a homeowner's association (HOA). The HOA is a legal entity that represents the collective interests of the unit owners and manages the common areas and facilities. It also enforces the condo's rules and regulations, such as those pertaining to noise, pets, and maintenance responsibilities.
4. Shared Expenses and Fees: Condo unit owners share in the expenses and fees associated with maintaining the common areas and facilities. These expenses may include insurance, repairs, utilities, and administrative costs. Condo owners typically pay monthly or annual HOA fees to cover these expenses.
5. Resale and Rental Restrictions: Condo units may have restrictions on the ability of owners to resell or rent their units. These restrictions may be outlined in the condo's governing documents, such as the declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs).
Living in a condo unit can offer a range of benefits, including security, convenience, access to amenities, and the potential for lower maintenance costs compared to owning a single-family home.