What is a average salary for nurses?
Nurses' salaries can vary depending on a number of factors, including:
* Education and experience: Nurses with higher levels of education and experience typically earn more money.
* Location: Nurses who work in high-cost areas tend to earn more money than those who work in rural areas.
* Specialty: Some nursing specialties, such as critical care nursing and nurse anesthesia, pay higher salaries than others.
* Employer: Nurses who work for hospitals and other healthcare facilities typically earn more money than those who work for private clinics or doctors' offices.
Here are some additional details about nurses' salaries:
* Registered nurses who work in hospitals earn a median annual wage of $79,780.
* Registered nurses who work in nursing homes earn a median annual wage of $70,550.
* Registered nurses who work in home healthcare services earn a median annual wage of $66,620.
* Nurse practitioners earn a median annual wage of $111,680.
* Certified nurse midwives earn a median annual wage of $105,590.
* Clinical nurse specialists earn a median annual wage of $91,520.
* Nurse anesthetists earn a median annual wage of $173,540.