Current Registed Nurse pay in Tulsa ok?
The average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in Tulsa, Oklahoma is $69,310 per year. This salary range can vary depending on several factors, including education, experience, and the specific employer.
Factors Affecting RN Salary in Tulsa, Oklahoma:
1. Education: RNs with higher levels of education, such as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), may earn more than those with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN).
2. Experience: RNs with more years of experience typically earn higher salaries than those just starting out in their careers.
3. Employer: RNs working in hospitals and clinics may earn more than those working in long-term care facilities or other healthcare settings.
4. Unionization: RNs who are part of a union may earn more than those who are not.
Additional Information:
- The job outlook for RNs in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is expected to grow by 12% from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than the national average.
- RNs in Tulsa, Oklahoma, enjoy a good quality of life, with a relatively low cost of living and a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities.
In summary, the average salary for a Registered Nurse (RN) in Tulsa, Oklahoma is $69,310 per year. However, this salary range can vary significantly depending on various factors such as education, experience, employer, and unionization status.