Fit In With The Nursing Culture?
1. Be respectful of the hierarchy. Nursing is a hierarchical profession, with nurses at the top of the pyramid and certified nursing assistants (CNAs) at the bottom. It's important to be respectful of this hierarchy and to follow the chain of command.
2. Learn the nursing jargon. Nursing has its own unique jargon, which can be confusing to outsiders. Take some time to learn the meaning of the most common terms so that you can understand what your colleagues are talking about.
3. Be willing to help out. Nurses are always busy, and they often need help from their colleagues. Be willing to lend a hand whenever you can, even if it's just something small.
4. Be positive and upbeat. Nursing can be a stressful profession, but it's important to stay positive and upbeat. Your positive attitude will help to create a positive environment for your colleagues and patients.
5. Be professional. Nursing is a professional career, and it's important to act professionally at all times. This means dressing appropriately, speaking respectfully, and following the rules and regulations of your workplace.
6. Develop a thick skin. Nursing can be a tough profession, and you will likely encounter some difficult situations. It's important to develop a thick skin so that you can handle these situations without getting too stressed.
7. Be passionate about patient care. Nursing is a demanding profession, but it is also very rewarding. If you are passionate about patient care, you will find that nursing is a great career.
By following these tips, you can successfully fit in with the nursing culture and become a valuable member of your nursing team.