What is the salary for a RN in Chicago area?
The wage range for registered nurses in the Chicago area varies depending on a number of factors, including:
* Education and experience: Registered nurses with more education and experience typically earn higher salaries.
* Type of employment: Registered nurses who work in hospitals typically earn higher salaries than those who work in other settings, such as clinics or nursing homes.
* Unionization: Registered nurses who are members of a union typically earn higher salaries than those who are not.
In addition to the median annual wage, registered nurses in the Chicago area also receive a number of other benefits, such as health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement plans.
Here are some specific examples of registered nurse salaries in the Chicago area:
* Registered Nurse I: $72,000 to $82,000 per year
* Registered Nurse II: $78,000 to $90,000 per year
* Registered Nurse III: $86,000 to $102,000 per year