What are the 21 nursing problems of Virginia herderson?
1. Needs related to breathing
- ineffective airway clearance
- impaired gas exchange
- activity intolerance
- impaired tissue perfusion (cardiopulmonary)
2. Needs related to eating and drinking
- ineffective swallowing
- impaired nutrition
- dehydration
3. Needs related to elimination
- constipation
- diarrhea
- urinary retention
- urinary incontinence
4. Needs related to movement and positioning
- impaired physical mobility
- impaired bed mobility
- contractures
- pressure ulcers
5. Needs related to sleep and rest
- sleep deprivation
- disturbed sleep pattern
6. Needs related to hygiene and skin integrity
- impaired skin integrity
- pruritus
- body odor
- dental hygiene problems
7. Needs related to clothing
- impaired dressing or undressing
- inability to select appropriate clothing
- disheveled appearance
8. Needs related to temperature regulation
- risk of impaired body temperature
- hyperthermia
- hypothermia
9. Needs related to safety
- risk of falls
- risk of infection
- risk of injury
10. Needs related to communication
- impaired verbal communication
- ineffective social interaction
- isolation
- unmet spiritual needs
11. Needs related to values and beliefs
- ineffective denial
- ineffective spiritual coping
12. Needs related to coping and stress tolerance
- ineffective coping
- ineffective stress management
13. Needs related to learning
- ineffective health management
- ineffective teaching
14. Needs related to sexuality and reproduction
- dysfunctional sexuality
- impaired fertility
15. Needs related to growth and development
- delayed growth and development
- impaired development
16. Needs related to fluid and electrolyte balance
- fluid volume deficit
- fluid volume excess
- electrolyte imbalances
17. Needs related to acid-base balance
- acid-base imbalance
18. Needs related to energy balance
- fatigue
- malaise
- weight loss
- weight gain
19. Needs related to the immune system
- risk for infection
20. Needs related to laboratory values
- abnormal laboratory values
21. Health promotion
- inadequate health knowledge
- ineffective health management
- health-seeking behaviors
- risk for health alteration
- health disparities