What nursing is included in community oriented care?
* Health promotion: This includes activities that help people stay healthy and prevent disease, such as education, screenings, and immunizations.
* Disease prevention: This includes activities that help people avoid getting sick, such as smoking cessation, healthy eating, and exercise.
* Early detection: This includes activities that help people find disease early when it is more likely to be treated successfully, such as cancer screenings, mammograms, and colonoscopies.
* Treatment: This includes activities that help people get better from illness or injury, such as medications, surgery, and rehabilitation.
* Long-term care: This includes activities that help people manage chronic diseases or disabilities, such as home health care, nursing home care, and hospice care.
* Health equity: This includes activities that help to ensure that all people have access to quality health care, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status.
* Public policy: This includes activities that help to shape public policy to support healthy communities, such as advocating for increased funding for public health programs and stricter regulations on tobacco and alcohol.
Community-oriented care nursing is a holistic approach to health that focuses on the individual within the context of their community. It is a team approach that involves nurses, other health professionals, community members, and organizations.