What is the compensation for nurse practitioners on call?
Hourly wages: NPs who are paid an hourly wage for on-call work typically earn a higher rate than their base pay. The hourly rate can range from $40 to $100 or more per hour.
Flat rate or stipend: Some NPs receive a flat rate or stipend for each on-call shift or day. The amount can vary depending on the length of the shift, the level of responsibility involved, and the region. Typically, flat rates range from $150 to $500 per shift.
Incentives: In addition to hourly wages or flat rates, some employers offer incentives to NPs for taking on call shifts. These incentives may include overtime pay if the NP works more than a certain number of hours, shift differentials for working evenings, nights, or weekends, and travel reimbursements if the NP is required to travel to another location.
Additional considerations: The length of the on-call shift and the frequency of call-ins can also affect a nurse practitioner's on-call compensation. Some NPs may be on call for a 12-hour shift, while others may be on call for a 24-hour period. Additionally, the number of call-ins that an NP receives can affect their compensation, as more frequent call-ins can result in more overtime pay or shift differentials.
Here is a summary of some common on-call compensation ranges for nurse practitioners:
- Hourly wage: $40 to $100 per hour
- Flat rate or stipend: $150 to $500 per shift
- Overtime pay: 1.5 times the regular hourly rate or more for hours worked beyond a certain limit
- Shift differentials: $10 to $25 per hour for working evenings, nights, or weekends
- Travel reimbursements: Mileage or transportation expenses for traveling to another location
To determine the specific compensation for nurse practitioners on call, it is important to consult the employment contract or the policies and guidelines set forth by the healthcare organization.