How much does an RN earn?
The average hourly wage for registered nurses was $35.24 in May 2020.
The median annual wage for registered nurses varies depending on the state in which they work. For example, in California, the median annual wage for registered nurses was $111,810 in May 2020, while in Mississippi, the median annual wage was $55,780.
Registered nurses with more experience typically earn higher wages. For example, registered nurses with 20 years of experience earned a median annual wage of $86,840 in May 2020, while registered nurses with less than 1 year of experience earned a median annual wage of $59,360.
Registered nurses who work in certain specialties also typically earn higher wages. For example, registered nurses who work in critical care units earned a median annual wage of $88,400 in May 2020, while registered nurses who work in obstetrics and gynecology units earned a median annual wage of $78,410.
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