How long is the average stay in a skilled nursing facility?

The average length of stay (LOS) in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) can vary depending on the individual's condition and needs. However, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the median LOS for SNF stays in the United States is approximately 28 days. This means that half of all SNF stays are shorter than 28 days, while the other half are longer.

It's important to note that the LOS can vary significantly depending on the reason for the SNF stay. For example, individuals who are recovering from a surgery or acute illness may have a shorter LOS compared to those who require long-term care for chronic conditions or disabilities. Additionally, the availability of resources, such as home health care services or support from family members, can also impact the length of stay in a SNF.

For individuals who require long-term care, the LOS can be much longer. Some individuals may remain in a SNF for several months or even years, depending on the level of care they need and the availability of community resources.

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