How to Stop Nursing Home Abuse

Elder abuse is a serious problem that affects thousands of elderly citizens each year. This type of abuse is most prevalent in a nursing home, where the elderly person is away from their family. The most common type of abuse to the elderly is neglect. Neglect simply means that the person is not being given the care he needs. Physical and emotional abuse are the next most common types, but they are eclipsed by the cases of neglect. If you suspect that an elderly person you know is being abused in any way, you will need to take steps to stop the problem.


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      Find proof that the abuse is taking place. Your story of abuse may be made more credible if you have proof. You may find proof in the form of unexplained injuries to the victim. Abuse can be more than physical abuse. Look for changes in personality or behavior.

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      File a complaint with the person in charge of the nursing home. If the administrator of the nursing home is not aware that abuse is happening, nothing can be done. This can be one way to stop the problem and bring attention to the potential abuse that is happening.

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      Contact the police if you are unable to stop the abuse after talking with the administrator of the nursing home.

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      Call a nursing home abuse hotline. The National Center on Elder Abuse website, linked in the "Resources", has an index of abuse hotlines, sorted by state. Click on your state to find the correct number to call. Alternatively, you may call 1-800-677-1116 between the hours of 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time (EST), to have someone assist you in finding places to report the abuse. This service is available Monday through Friday.

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