Use of Weighted Blankets in the Elderly
Deep Pressure Stimulation
The idea behind the weighted blanket is that deep pressure stimulation--being covered firmly and feeling pressure across the body--calms a patient. Research by Dr. Temple Grandin of the Colorado State University shows that deep pressure stimulation by a "squeezing machine" she invented has calming effects on anxiety disorder and autism sufferers. In 1992, her work on deep pressure stimulation was published in The Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
Weighted Blankets
Many of the doctors, nurses and occupational therapists who advocate weighted blanket use believe that deep pressure stimulation can stimulate serotonin and endorphin release in the brain, which elevate mood similar to what happens when one receives a hug.
As a result, many nursing homes, hospital acute psychiatric wards and caregivers for the elderly are beginning to experiment with using weighted blankets to help calm to their anxiety ridden and agitated patients. Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Nothampton, Massachussets, began using weighted blankets in its psychiatric unit in 2006. The hospital reported that using weighted blankets when patients felt agitated reduced the use of restraints.
Harvard University also piloted weighted blankets at McClean Hospital's Geriatric Neuropsychiatry Unit. Again, using weighted blankets when elderly anxiety and dementia patients felt agitated reduced their stress and calmed them. The hospital also found weighted blankets helped some patients get better sleep.
Studies and Applications
There are no major clinical studies proving the effects of weighted blankets as an effective deep pressure stimulation modality. The evidence to date has been all anecdotal, even when used in medical facilities.
However, weighted blankets are a low-risk way to try to bring relief to a loved one. They can be used at any time and for as long as needed to bring a calming effect. However, when using a weighted blanket witg a frail, elderly person, take care not to overheat or smother someone who may not have the capability to communicate effective or remove the blanket if needed. Also, before beginning use of a weighted blanket with an elderly patient, consult a physician or nurse.