Dangers of Nursing Homes
The biggest problem nursing homes face is understaffing. There's a nursing shortage as well as a shortage of certified nursing assistants (CNAs) who handle the day-to-day physical care of each patient.
The biggest problem nursing home residents face is getting infections and colds on a consistent basis. Some residential areas need constant cleaning, and often there's not enough staff to get it done.
Mentally Ill Residents
Mentally ill patients are a major problem in nursing homes. Some patients suffer dementia or from Alzheimer's disease and can be dangerous to others.
Residents sometimes suffer physical or sexual abuse from other residents and staff. The screening processes for residents and staff aren't any more vigorous than they are in most jobs.
Staying Alert
It's important for family members or representatives of nursing home residents to look for signs of something wrong going on. If you can't get satisfaction from the nursing home, contact your state's Department of Health.