Nursing Home Neglect Information
There are various types of neglect that can occur in nursing homes. For example, residents may not be served their meals on time or be given adequate amounts of water or other liquids to drink. An attendant that is neglectful may not answer calls in a timely fashion or help the resident to the restroom when needed. Residents may not receive the correct doses of medication or may be given excessive sedatives as a chemical means of restraint.
Warning Signs
Family members who have a loved one in a nursing home can watch for signs of nursing home neglect. Even residents who are unable to speak and cannot report neglect may exhibit signs that they are being neglected. Skin rashes, bruises and other contusions that result from excessive falls are signs that the resident is not receiving proper care. Weight loss and dehydration are also signals that further investigation is necessary.
Pressure Sores
A bed sore, also known as a pressure sore, is the result of lying in the same position for a long period of time. The skin is compressed between the underlying bone and the surface of the bed, causing pain and a raw tender area. If the bed sore is not treated, it can lead to gangrene.
Due to the inability of the victims to testify on their own behalf, it can be difficult to make a case for nursing home neglect. Another complication is that many victims have no family to investigate their situation or pursue the claim for them. It is possible, however, to successfully sue a nursing home for neglect with the proper amount of careful documentation.
Due to the unique degree of vulnerability in the population of nursing homes, it is important to ensure that the residents receive proper care. Government inspections can ensure that the nursing homes are maintained in sanitary conditions, but the family and friends of residents must monitor their individual care to prevent nursing home neglect.