How to Assess a Nursing Home
If you've never visited a nursing home before, by all means, do so now. You may be surprised. Gone are the days when nursing homes meant neglect, loneliness and solitude. Today's nursing homes are bright, cheerful and well staffed. Annual inspections insure both residents and family members that quality standards are upheld, or the facility may face dire consequences, including fines and the closing of a facility.
Learn how to assess a nursing home so you can find the best 'home away from home' for a loved family member.
Visit the nursing home that you're considering. Make arrangements to speak with the administrator, but also take the time and effort to visit the facility on your own. The first thing you should look for is whether or not the place is clean. Are the walls clean? Are the floors cleaned and buffed? Does it smell nice?
Ask if the facility is Medicaid and Medicare certified. This may make a big difference in your ability to place a loved one in a given facility. Ask if there a waiting period for admissions. Find out if the facility is accepting new patients. Speak with the administrator and ask about their procedures for staffing, medical emergencies and natural disaster or evacuation plans.
Find out if the facility has been certified and accredited and passed their yearly inspection. You can do this by checking with the CMS (see Resources below).
Observe the residents. Do they appear content? Do staff interact with the residents or are they left to themselves in their rooms? Walk the halls. Look in the rooms. Do they appear neat and well cared for? Watch how long it takes staff to answer call lights, or how staff behaves. They should be friendly and willing to help residents.
Take a look at the dining room, and if possible, visit during mealtimes to see what's being served. Some facilities will allow visitors to purchase a meal, so do so if at all possible so that you may test the quality of the food.