How to Recognize Signs of Neglect in a Nursing Home
Look for obvious signs of physical neglect. Scrapes and abrasions are common for elderly people because of the fragile nature of their skin. A slight bump may cause an ugly skin tear, but an unusual number of injuries is not common. Bruises on the face or unexposed areas of the body, unexplained injuries or sprains, and injuries and bruising on bedridden patients are things that need further investigation. Suspect possible abuse with any injury that is not compatible with the person's history.
Observe the demeanor of a person who is normally outgoing and talkative or someone who is usually quiet and reserved who has become aggressive and argumentative. Unnecessary restraints, isolation and exclusion are all indications of neglect. Many times psychological abuse is difficult to recognize.
Search for hidden signs if you suspect elder abuse or neglect. There may be burns, fingernail marks, welts or bruises, especially under the arms, around the neck or underneath clothing. Expect physician notification and proper documentation of all injuries, without exception, no matter how minor they may seem. If the caretaker doesn't seem to have any knowledge of how the injuries occurred, suspect neglect or abuse until you find out otherwise.
Consider poor hygiene and unsanitary conditions a sign of abuse or neglect. Expect clean clothing and linens and tidy surroundings in a nursing home. The strong smell of urine and feces may be an indication that problems exist with cleanliness. This should not be the normal smell of a nursing home.
Remember that malnourishment, weight loss and dehydration that aren't illness related, wounds that aren't healing properly, recurrent bed sores, chronic infection and injuries that aren't properly taken care of are all possible signs of neglect.
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