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How to Use a Single Bardex Nozzle
Things You'll Need
- Enema bag
- Single bardex nozzle
- Tape
- Enema solution
- Enema clamp
- Bardex tubing
Droop the unfilled enema bag over a IV post. Make certain the bag is greater than waist level of the person using the device.
Connect the bardex to the opening near the enema bag's bottom. Utilize a length of tubing that's 4 ft. long. Bind tape around the bardex tubing. Be certain the enema bag is secured to the tubing.
Put together the single bardex nozzle into the tubing. Fasten the bardex tubing to the enema clamp. Empty the solution into the enema bag.
Lubricate the single bardex nozzle prior to putting the nozzle into the anus. This will allow you to avoid harm and soreness. Get rid of the clamp on the bardex tubing. Do this when the single tubing and bardex nozzle are arranged securely in place.