What does the AMA say about encryption?
In a statement released in 2014, the AMA said that "encryption is a critical tool for protecting the privacy and security of patient health information. The AMA strongly supports the use of strong encryption to protect patient data from unauthorized access, both within and outside of the healthcare system."
The AMA also noted that "encryption can help to prevent data breaches, which can have a devastating impact on patients, providers, and the healthcare system as a whole. By encrypting patient data, we can help to ensure that it remains private and secure, and that patients can receive the care they need without fear of their information being compromised."
The AMA has also called on the federal government to take steps to support the use of encryption.
In a letter sent to Congress in 2015, the AMA urged lawmakers to pass legislation that would "promote the use of strong encryption to protect patient health information." The letter said that "encryption is essential for protecting the privacy of patient data and ensuring the security of the healthcare system. By passing legislation to support the use of encryption, Congress can help to ensure that patients' health information remains private and secure."
The AMA's support for encryption is based on its commitment to protecting patient privacy.
The AMA believes that patients have a right to privacy, and that their health information should be protected from unauthorized access. Encryption is a critical tool for protecting patient privacy, and the AMA strongly supports its use.