What Does Code 2 Mean for Paramedics?
In many jurisdictions in the United States, the term "Code 2" refers to a call that should be expedited. It is more serious than a routine call such as transporting a patient from one hospital to another but less serious than an emergency call. The use of lights and sirens varies between jurisdictions.
Some EMS/Paramedic agencies use priority terms instead of response codes. Typically these include Priority 1 for critical situations, Priority 2 for emergencies and Priority 3 for non-emergencies.
Jurisdictions in other countries use different response systems. Ottawa, Canada, for instance, uses a four-code system with Code 2 being a non-urgent/non-life threatening call. The ambulance system in Victoria, Australia, also uses a four-code system to determine the level of response. Signal 2 is used for acute but not time-sensitive cases.