What concerns should be identified with the agreed care plan prior to undertaking pressure area care?
1. Patient Assessment: Before beginning any care, it is crucial to assess the patient's condition and skin integrity. This entails looking for any pre-existing pressure sores, areas with redness or skin breakdown, and evaluating risk factors such as immobility, incontinence, or poor nutrition.
2. Pressure Relieving Devices: Determine what support surfaces, such as pressure-relieving mattresses or overlays, are required to manage pressure and avoid future skin breakdown. Make sure the proper equipment is accessible and in working order.
3. Turning Schedule: Establish a turning and repositioning plan that is suited to the patient's condition and degree of mobility. To redistribute pressure, it's important to change positions on a regular basis, which can be done every two hours or more frequently if necessary.
4. Skin Care: It is crucial to keep the skin clean and moisturized to avoid dryness and damage. Determine any unique skin care needs the patient may have and utilize pressure-relieving bandages or dressings as necessary.
5. Nutritional Status: Examine the patient's nutritional history to determine if their food intake is enough and if they are receiving the necessary nutrients to support skin regeneration and repair.
6. Medication Review: Check to see whether the patient's medicine or treatment could have an impact on wound healing. Some medications, like steroids, might delay healing.
7. Incontinence Management: In the case of incontinent patients, make sure that continence products are changed regularly and that the skin is cleaned frequently to avoid moisture-associated skin damage.
8. Infection Control: Pressure sores are especially prone to infection. Adhere to rigorous hygiene procedures to avoid infection and monitor for indicators of the same.
9. Patient Education: Engage the patient and their caregivers in the skin care and pressure area avoidance plan. It's crucial for them to comprehend their role in preventing or treating pressure sores.
10. Documentation: Keep track of all pressure care efforts, observations, and interventions. Accurate documentation aids in monitoring the care strategy's efficacy and progress.
By identifying and tending to these issues, one can design a complete strategy of care that minimizes the risk of pressure areas, encourages healthy skin, and hastens the healing of current pressure sores.