Who are some well-known anesthesiologists?
* John Snow: Snow was a British physician and anesthesiologist who is credited with developing the first inhalational anesthetic device and for his contributions to the understanding of the effects of anesthesia on the body.
* Horace Wells: Wells was a dentist who is credited with being the first person to use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as a general anesthetic during a dental procedure in 1844.
* Crawford W. Long: Long was a physician who is credited with being the first to use ether as a general anesthetic during a surgical operation in 1842, although his discovery was not widely recognized until after Morton's demonstration.
* James Marion Sims: Sims was a surgeon and gynecologist who is known for his controversial use of anesthesia during surgeries on enslaved women without their consent.
* Ignác Semmelweis: Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician who is considered one of the pioneers of antiseptic procedures and is credited with significantly reducing the mortality rate of women during childbirth by advocating for hand washing and other hygienic measures.
* Virginia Apgar: Apgar was an American physician and anesthesiologist who developed the Apgar score, a method of quickly assessing the health of a newborn baby.