How to Relax in Anxious Social Situations

Anxiety causes people to panic and withdraw from others in social situations. The fear of rejection is a common cause of anxiety, filling a person with dread before he even gets to a party or other social situation. Symptoms include sweating, nausea and increased heart rate. People who suffer from social anxiety might even isolate themselves completely from social situations. Social anxiety sufferers can relax in social situations by learning to calm themselves down and take the focus off of themselves.


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      Learn breathing exercises to calm you down. Practice deep breathing and letting the stress and anxiousness go when you exhale. Use the practiced breathing techniques when you are in a social situation to keep you calm and help you enjoy yourself.

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      Meditate before a social event. Meditation quiets the mind and helps ease the constant worry about rejection and meeting new people. Meditation can help you feel more centered and relaxed when you arrive at the social event.

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      Practice facing your fears by attending small social events with a few people. Stay only as long as you feel comfortable. Ease your way into the situation slowly. Once you feel comfortable with small gatherings, move on to larger gatherings.

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      Focus on others instead of yourself. Prepare questions to ask the people you meet so you do not worry about what to say. Once you start listening to someone else, you stop thinking about your own anxiety. The more you talk to others, the less you will worry about rejection.

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      Limit alcohol and caffeine intake in social situations. Alcohol and caffeine might heighten anxiety and cause panic attacks.

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