How to Deal With Restlessness
Create a list or write out in a journal the reasons why you feel restless. By developing a list or by writing down your thoughts in a journal, you can better evaluate your situation and thus come up with solutions that can allay your feelings of restlessness. For example, you may be feeling restless because you are dissatisfied in some area of your work. By writing down your feelings, you can begin to create a path forward to make positive changes.
Slow down and take a deep breath. Restlessness is often associated with anxiety and therefore you should take the time to relax and then work on solutions to ease your sense of restlessness. Remember, restlessness can cause you to act impulsively and, in some instances incorrectly, so take the time to reason out a problem.
Seek medical advice if your feeling of restlessness is lengthy or accompanied by other possible symptoms. If you are in a constant state of restlessness, this can be the sign of a medical condition, such as an anxiety disorder or depression. If you believe you are experiencing something beyond the occasional bout of restlessness, you should speak to your doctor. He will be in a position to determine if there is a medical cause for your problem. He can then describe the treatment options available to you.