How to Deal With Insecurity
Become self-aware. Notice when you are prone to feeling insecure and ask yourself what triggers these feelings. Write down your observations in a notebook and make notes of patterns that you observe.
Recognize that you can shape how you think about yourself. Avoid focusing on your perceived flaws and failures. Instead, concentrate on the positive things you are accomplishing.
Use your insecurity to achieve something positive. Many CEOs and athletes have said that a reason for their success is their insecurity. Instead of letting insecurity hold you back, use it to push you forward. Tackle that task you are afraid of since you will feel good about yourself after it is completed. Remember that if Charles Schwab, who has dyslexia, can overcome his insecurity, you can too.
Exercise regularly. Going to the gym, taking a run or enjoying a brisk walk releases chemicals in your brain that improve your mood. Exercising regularly will also help you feel better about yourself, which will help alleviate your insecurity.
Get a system of support. Share your struggles with your closest friends and family and ask that they help you as you become more secure. If you do not feel you can be vulnerable with your family and friends, find a support group in a church or psychologist's office.
Make an effort to look your best. Knowing that you look your best will help you feel less insecure and more in control of your life.
Be patient with yourself as you strive to conquer your insecurity. This process takes time and you should celebrate your successes instead of focusing on the length of the journey. Allowing yourself time to work on these issues allows you to better heal from and handle your insecure feelings, which will help you become a more secure, confident person.