How to Get Over My Crush Moving

Getting over someone that you have a crush on or are in love with is never easy, especially when they are suddenly no longer in your life. When someone moves away, most people experience separation anxiety, which is characterized by large amounts of emotion and stress brought on by being separated from someone with whom you had a strong emotion attachment.

While you may be left feeling depressed and wondering what might have been if your crush would have stayed, there are several methods you can try to pull yourself out of the funk you're in and get over your crush moving away.


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      Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep is known to affect mood and to make people more emotional, while long-term sleep deprivation is commonly linked to depression. Getting a good night's sleep will help you feel refreshed and give you the energy you need to deal with your emotions and to move on with your life.

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      Engage in rigorous exercise for at least a half hour approximately five days a week. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercising for a half hour or more causes the brain to emit chemicals that cause you to feel happier and more relaxed. Exercising will not only leave you feeling better physically, but will also help alleviate any sad feelings you have concerning your crush moving away.

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      Allow yourself to think about the person who moved away, but not for more than a certain amount of time each day. Set aside 20 or 30 minutes to think about the person so that you can process your feelings of grief and start to accept the fact that he's gone. When the allotted time is up for the day, tell yourself that you can think about the person again tomorrow and immediately start engaging in an activity that is productive, such as homework or preparing dinner. While you don't want to constantly dwell on the sad feelings that you have, it's not healthy to completely ignore them either.

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      Write down the feelings you are experiencing through poetry, songwriting, short stories or in a journal. You can also write letters to the crush that you don't intend to actually send. Writing about your feelings or composing a "never-to-be-sent" letter to the person can help you process and release your feelings in a healthy and constructive way.

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      Meditate, think calming thoughts or think about upcoming events that you are looking forward to. Meditation has been known to decrease anxiety and can help you relax when you may otherwise feel emotional and stressed. Thinking about positive things to come, such as your birthday or summer vacation, can also help you get over the gloomy feelings you are experiencing.

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      See a counselor to talk through the feelings of sadness that you are experiencing. Guidance counselors, therapists and psychiatrists are all trained to help people process their emotions, and talking about your feelings with a trained professional can help you get over your crush moving away.

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