Things to Do When You're Hyper
Play a Game
Some use video games as a way to escape from the confines of reality in order to achieve a feeling of satisfaction not attainable otherwise. A person can actually utilize the act of playing a video game as a distraction to drain energy in a safe, enjoyable manner. In this regard, video games become a tool for the person to focus energy on something.
Another way a person can deal with feeling hyper is through exercise. Exercise will help the person expend the energy inside in a productive manner.
Set Plans in Motion
Planning while feeling hyperactive is actually worthwhile, since the person may be able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. A hyper person may feel that nothing is out of the question and no obstacle is insurmountable. This creates positivity while planning; when the time comes to execute the plan, the excitement previously felt will hopefully be enough motivation to follow through with the plan.
Meditation provides a passive alternative to all the previously mentioned activities in dealing with hyperactivity. Meditation clears the mind and allows a person to delve deep to understand one's individual nature. For those that find this alternative intriguing, note that attempting to meditate while feeling hyper may be difficult; study methods beforehand to exercise self-control and begin developing stronger willpower.