How to Overcome Airplane Scares
Things You'll Need
- Headphones
- MP3 player or other music device
- Book
- Magazine
- Therapist
Listen to music that is calming and relaxing. Listening to your favorite music is an effective way to take your mind off of being nervous about the flight and to help yourself not to worry about airplane scares. Try to pick music that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Read a book. If music is not your thing or doesn't help you take your mind off your fears, bring a book or magazine instead. Reading will allow you to immerse yourself into a story, providing you a temporary escape from your worries and fears and should help you to remain calm and relaxed throughout the flight.
Practice breathing and relaxation exercises throughout the flight. If you feel, see or hear anything that makes you nervous, starting to breathe in deeply and then exhale a few times, reminding yourself that turbulence is completely normal. It also helps to look around at the other passengers as well; seeing there lack of fear can help you realize there is no need be worried.
See a therapist about your fears if the above methods do not work and you cannot overcome your fear of planes or flying. Your therapist can suggest other techniques to help alleviate your stress and can also recommend relaxation exercises, self-help books or anti-anxiety medications that can aid in you overcoming your anxieties about planes and flying.