How to Get Rid of Anxiousness
Identify your problems and triggers. The initial step to conquering anxiousness is acknowledging your problematic behavioral patterns. Consider what situations give you anxiety, whether it is speaking in public or attending large social functions. Move the triggers to the center of your consciousness, which will allow you to then address them properly.
Relax. A lot of anxiety is rooted in feelings of tension. Go for a quick time-out and clear your brain of feelings of anxiousness. Practice relaxing deep breathing exercises, engage in meditation or yoga, listen to calming music, or go for a jog or walk around the park. Move away from your anxiety situation, and put some space between it and you.
Talk it out. Keeping anxiety suppressed will only encourage it to grow inside of you. Vent your feelings of anxiousness by discussing them with a close friend or family member whom you trust. Get support from someone by pouring your feelings out, which also can be effective for taking your mind off of the situation that is causing you to feel anxious in the first place. If you have no one to speak to about your feelings, consider jotting them down in a personal journal or diary instead.
Think of a plan. Many people are plagued by anxiety, but instead of taking the appropriate actions to handle the issue, they sit around worrying instead. If you are having serious financial woes, for example, take some action to protect yourself instead of letting anxiety take over you. Look into securing a loan, taking on a part-time job or refinancing your home. Gain more control of your own life by tackling your anxiety head-on.
Laugh. Humor can be one of the best medicines for eliminating feelings of anxiousness. Hang out with close pals who can get you rolling on the floor in hilarity. Watch a lighthearted and silly romantic comedy. Take the necessary actions to bring joy and light into your life.
Visualize positivity. Anxious people tend to be pessimistic and envision the worst-case scenario at all times, even if it isn't all that realistic. Instead of concentrating on your nightmare outcome, focus on visualizing effective and positive answers to all of your woes.